Home Punjab Doraha Punjab Governor Banwari Lal Purohit on Tuesday extended his wishes during the...

Punjab Governor Banwari Lal Purohit on Tuesday extended his wishes during the Shamapana Samaroh organized by Shri Aatam Vallabh Jain Sarvamangal Trust Ludhiana, here at Doraha town.


Governor greets participants during Shamapana Samaroh at Doraha

Lauds Jain community for preserving the rich cultural legacy of the country  

Doraha (Ludhiana), October 16- Rajiv kumar

Punjab Governor Banwari Lal Purohit on Tuesday extended his wishes during the Shamapana Samaroh organized by Shri Aatam Vallabh Jain Sarvamangal Trust Ludhiana, here at Doraha town.

Presiding over the event, the Governor said that he was fortunate to have an opportunity to address this august gathering in the presence of saints from the Jain community. Stressing the significance of Shama-one of the main principels of Jainism-he stated that the moment we forgive (Shama) someone, we get free from the clutches of ego and pride. Hence, it was crucial for all of us to inculcating the habit of forgiveness by practicing it regularly as propagated by the Jainism. He lauded the efforts of Shri Aatam Vallabh Jain Sarvamangal Trust Ludhiana for holding this mega forgiveness event which would further pave a way for spiritual enlightenment for the participants. He expressed his deep faith in the practices of Jainism as it has been preserving the values of our rich cultural legacy. The Governor further mentioned that the Jain religion is full of spiritual knowledge and it has made tremendous contribution in the progress of this country.

Meanwhile, he sought the blessings of Sri Vijay Nityanand Suri Maharaj who was presiding over the Shamapana Samaroh. He further stated that our saints and gurus have played a great role in shaping the destiny of this one of the oldest civilizations by perpetuating the teachings of spirituality, brotherhood and communal harmony. Naming Swami Vivekananda, Swami Ram Krishan Paramhans, he stated that Indian spiritual leaders have always left an indelible imprint over the western minds which is another testimonial of rich Indian heritage. He urged the participants to follow simple lifestyle which holds huge potential to make them happy and prosperous in their lives.

Earlier, Trust Chairman Jawahar Lal Oswal, President Surinder Mohan Jain, General Secretary Vinod Jain, Finance Secretary CA Rahul Jain and other dignitaries presented a momento to Governor on his arrival at the event.

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