Home Crime News Ludhiana Police’s Saanjh and PPMM Staff organized an awareness program at Dugri...

Ludhiana Police’s Saanjh and PPMM Staff organized an awareness program at Dugri Phase 3, Ludhiana to educate attendees on various important topics.


Ludhiana Police’s Saanjh and PPMM Staff organized an awareness program at Dugri Phase 3, Ludhiana to educate attendees on various important topics. These included Women Empowerment, Drug Abuse, Cyber Safety, Shakti App, and the services provided by Saanjh Kendras.

During the program, attendees were also informed about different helpline numbers such as 181, 112, 1091, 1930, and Chatbot-95177-95178 for Missing/Found/Abused Children. The Ludhiana Police’s Saanjh and PPMM Staff is committed to providing valuable information and resources to help individuals stay safe and protected.

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