Home Punjab Amritsar In an intelligence-led campaign, Counter-Intelligence, Amritsar has arrested one person and recovered...

In an intelligence-led campaign, Counter-Intelligence, Amritsar has arrested one person and recovered 4 kg of heroin from village Khurmania, Amritser.


In an intelligence-led campaign, Counter-Intelligence, Amritsar has arrested one person and recovered 4 kg of heroin from village Khurmania, Amritser.

Ann. D. P. FIRS under S Act. S. Aww. C has been registered in Amritsar.
The artery investigation into the elimination of the drug network continues.
In an intelligence-led operation, Counter-Intelligence, Amritsar apprehended one person and recovered 4 Kg Heroin from Village Khurmania, Amritsar
FIR under NDPS Act registered at #SSOC Amritsar.

Investigation underway to disrupt the drug network.

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